Who We Are
The Irish Capuchin Franciscans are part of a story that goes all the way back to St. Francis of Assisi who, in 1209, having heard the call of Christ from the Cross to “Go and Rebuild my Church!”, dedicated himself and his first followers to the living of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the service of the Church through a life of brotherhood, prayer and sharing the Good News with all creation. In so doing he founded what would grow to be a huge religious family of brothers and sisters who continue to spread the Franciscan message of Peace and Joy to all people. Recognised for his holiness of life and joy filled contemplation of creation by all people, of all spiritual traditions, since then St. Francis remains the inspiration and the model for Franciscan life to this day.
Coming to Ireland in the early 1600’s the Capuchins have been known as friars who have stayed with and supported the Irish people in some of the most difficult times in history. Through persecution, famine, poverty, and pain the brothers continued to be a comforting and healing presence to one and all, and as advocates of religious freedom, cultural expression, and relief of the poor, theirs was a voice that was heard at key times in the formation of the modern Irish identity.
What We Do…

As Capuchin Franciscan “friars” (a word which simply means brothers), we of the Irish Province seek to incarnate this vision anew today. Living in chastity, poverty and obedience at the service of the Church, we work in parishes, hospitals, schools, universities, prisons, and many other places, both at home and abroad, bringing the Joy of the Gospel to all we meet. We reach out to the poor and the marginalised, speaking out for justice and living in simple community. We share our gifts of prayer and meditation with one another and with all those who come to us. In joy, we follow Francis, the poor man of Assisi, who gave everything away so as to receive Christ fully into his heart and so was able to find Him in every creature he met along the way.
Inspired by the example of our Capuchin Franciscan saints like Padre Pio, Leopold Mandic and Felix of Cantlalice we centre our lives on the Eucharist, meditation and prayer, and joy filled service of our brothers and sisters… In this website we invite you to get to know us and perhaps to join us on the way of peace and joy that Francis of Assisi first set out on over 800 years ago…To find out more about our Capuchin Saints click HERE
Where We Are…

Currently we have nine friaries in Ireland as well as missions in Zambia, South Africa, New Zealand and South Korea.
Full details of the Irish Friaries can be found here. Information about our missionary outreach can be found here, and links to the websites of our overseas missions, here.