
By signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Board for the Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church in April 2009, the Capuchin Order in Ireland has adopted the Board’s policy and procedures document Safeguarding Children : Standards and Guidance document for the Catholic Church in Ireland (2009), and the documents that may be added to it from time to time, as its basic regulation in all matters pertaining to the protection of children. Furthermore, in implementing of that document, we accept the auditing role of officials of the Board’s National Office and pledge our cooperation with them in their work.
Conscious of its grave responsibility to prevent the sexual, physical and emotional abuse of children and their neglect, the Capuchin Order undertakes to report all allegations made to it of such abuse to the civil and Church authorities without delay; we also urge all who disclose allegations of abuse against its members, or anyone else, to do likewise. Anyone making an allegation of abuse will be received with respect and listened to, will be informed of actions taken as a result of their disclosure and will have their need for counselling met, if required. Those against whom allegations of abuse have been made will be given every opportunity to vindicate their good name, but, without prejudice, will be asked to stand aside from all ministry, not wear the habit or clerical garb, until the civil authorities have completed their investigations. However, should a Garda investigation find that an allegation is false everything shall be done to restore the good name of the accused. Otherwise, the Order undertakes to cooperate fully with the HSE and An Gárda Síochána in assisting those who have abused children to live offence free lives.
Thank you for your cooperation in the interests of safeguarding children.
This newly published Child Safeguarding Statement has been prepared to comply with the requirements of the Children First Act 2015. You can access the statement by clicking on the following link: Child Safeguarding Statement of the Irish Province of the Capuchin Franciscan Order 2019
A PDF copy of the National Board’s review can be found by opening the following link: National Board Child Safeguarding Review 2015
Statement from the Provincial of the Irish Capuchin Province (2015)
On behalf of the Irish Province of the Capuchin Franciscan Order, I thank the reviewers of the National Board of the Catholic Church in Ireland for their work in examining the Case Files of those members of the Province against whom allegations of child sexual abuse have been made, and, also, for their assessment of the Child Safeguarding Procedures now in force in the Province. We are gratified that the reviewers have found that we have met so many of the criteria for compliance with the National Board Child Safeguarding Standards and we assure the Board that we will implement the Recommendations made by the reviewers as soon as possible.
I acknowledge the deep distress experienced by those who have been sexually abused and its often lifelong consequences and I apologise, again, to all who have been so victimised by members of the Province and assure them that we, the Capuchins, will endeavour to provide them with the means of healing they may require.
Furthermore, I, again, invite anyone who has been abused by our members, or by those who work in association with us, to come forward and make themselves known to us. I undertake that they will be welcomed, treated with understanding and assisted to achieve healing.
I assure the Church, and society at large, that we, the Capuchins, are determined to continue the work of affording safeguarding and protection to all children whom we meet in the course of our ministry and our lives.
Br Adrian Curran OFM Cap
Provincial Minister
9th September 2015
I invite anyone who may have safeguarding concerns regarding Capuchin friars to contact our Designated Liaison Person, Ms Claire Tobin, Phone: 089 6149313 Email:
Support Services:
TOWARDS HEALING: Counselling Support Service.
Free Phone Ireland: 1800 303416; Free Phone UK: 0800 0963315; Monday – Thursday 11am – 8pm; Friday – 11 am – 6 pm
TOWARDS PEACE: Spiritual Support Service.
Tel: 00 353 1 505 3028; Mobile: 086 771 0533; Email:
Policy Documents:
Our Child Safeguarding Policy Document: Child Safeguarding Policy
Our Child Safeguarding Statement (2019): Child Safeguarding Statement of the Irish Province of the Capuchin Franciscan Order 2019
National Board Safeguarding Policy : Safeguarding NBSCCCI Policy Doc. 2016
DLP Contact Details:
The Child Safeguarding Designated Liaison Officer for the Capuchin Order in Ireland is:
Capuchin Friary
Church Street
Dublin 7.
Telephone: (089) 614 9313