
A message from the Provincial of the Irish Capuchin Province 

Welcome to Child Safeguarding Sunday!

We gather here today, recognizing the paramount importance of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults within our Capuchin communities. At our core, we believe that the well-being and protection of the innocent is not just a responsibility, but an integral part of our culture.
As we come together on this special day, we are reminded of the gospel values that guide us in all aspects of safeguarding. The teachings of Jesus have always emphasized the love, care, and protection of the most vulnerable among us. It is in following these values that we can create a safe and nurturing environment for our children and vulnerable adults.
However, it is not enough to simply acknowledge these values. We must also be proactive in our approach to safeguarding. It is not sufficient to react to incidents; we must take preemptive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of every individual under our care. By doing so, we can build a foundation of trust, confidence, and security within our community.
Child safeguarding is not the responsibility of a select few; it is the collective responsibility of each and every one of us. Each member of our congregation has a role to play in ensuring the safety and protection of our children and vulnerable adults. From our church leaders, volunteers, parents, to every member of our community, we all have a part to play in making our community a safe and secure place for all.
On this Child Safeguarding Sunday, let us come together, renew our commitment, and deepen our understanding of safeguarding. Through prayer, reflection, and education, may our hearts be open to the grace and wisdom that will guide us in our efforts to protect the precious lives entrusted to our care. Together, let us affirm that safeguarding is not just an obligation but a sacred duty, and that the safety and well-being of our children and vulnerable adults are paramount in our hearts and minds.

May God bless us all as we embark on this journey of safeguarding.

Br Seán Kelly OFM Cap. (Provincial Minister)


I invite anyone who may have safeguarding concerns regarding Capuchin friars to contact our Designated Liaison Person, Ms. Claire Tobin Phone: (089) 6149313. Email: dlpcap@capuchins.ie

Our Child Safeguarding Statement: Child Safeguarding Statement of the Irish Province of the Capuchin Franciscan Order 2021