Decaf Moment: Finding God in the Present Moment
It is only in the present moment that we truly encounter the other.
The past and future are filtered through a fog of emotions, anxieties, guilts, regrets, plans, prejudices and fantasies.
Only in the present moment do we truly meet the other… and this is especially true of the OTHER we call God.
For God has revealed Himself to Moses as pure existence, we may say, as the Present Moment itself when he declared His name to be, “I AM” and has shown Himself in Christ as pure LOVE…
Therefore to encounter God, is to encounter the present, and to deeply encounter the present is to encounter God as Love.
As Christians, we must reawaken our sense of the “Sacrament of the Present Moment” as the old authors called it, and recognize through its grace that, here and now, in the NOW, we stand always on Holy Ground…
As one of our saintly Capuchin brothers, Venerable Fr. Solaus Casey used to say, “All that God requires of us, is that we be faithful to the present moment.”
So be still…
breath deep…
enter your heart…
and find there the God who IS Love and who is waiting for you in this present moment…
and every present moment…