Today we celebrated the Ordination to the Sacred Diaconate of our brother Martin Bennett Ofm Cap by our brother franciscan and bishop Fiachra O’Ceallaigh. We wish him every blessing in his future ministry of service of the people of God and at the Altar 🙂 Please keep Br. Martin in your prayers.
Here are some images of the wonderful day…

Br. Martin prostrates before the Altar and the Bishop as a sign of his offering of himself for the ministry of Deacon.

The moment of Ordination to the Diaconate as Bishop Fiachra lays hands on Brother Martin.

Brother Martin is vested by Brother Adrian the Provincial Minister and Brother Richard the Master of Ceremonies in the Stole, symbol of the yoke of Christ and His Divine Authority and the Dalmatic, symbol of the ministry of the Deacon as servant of the Gospel and of Charity within the Church.

The newly ordained Deacon Brother Martin with Bishop Fiachra O’ Ceallaigh OFM and Brother Adrian Provincial Minister of the Irish Capuchins.