Praying with the Capuchin Saints – St Pio of Pietrelcina

The Saints are signposts that show us a quick and safe way to Heaven. It is a path of service, of compassion,
and of love of God and neighbour. In their diversity they show us that we too, whatever the circumstances of our lives may be, are being called to love and serve Jesus in the needs of our brothers and sisters. In their fundamental unity of purpose they show us the deep meaning of a life lived for love.

As we Capuchins prepare for the Feast of our founder and holy father St. Francis we offer you these short reflections by some of the friars on some of our most inspiring brothers and sisters. Take some time to listen, to pray, to be inspired… and maybe to take your own first steps along this holy Franciscan way of Pax et Bonum, of Peace and Joy.

In the first of our short reflections, Brother Bryan Shortall OFM CAP explores the life and influence of St Pio (Padre Pio).

Irish padre Pio website :

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