Pray at the Tomb of St Francis: Webcam

Click HERE to open the webcam
Above is a link to a live webcam which allows us to visit the tomb of St Francis in Assisi and spend a moment in prayer at any time.
As you visit the tomb by means of the webcam, you will join the thousands of other pilgrims, many of them young people, who come to visit St Francis’ tomb.In the busyness of life it is important for us to take time to stop and pray.
Let us join in prayer with our Holy Father St Francis for our needs and the needs of the World. Let us remember in prayer those who are struggling to hear God’s voice in their lives and those seeking the courage to follow Christ in a new way.
Lord, cast your light into the darkness of my heart and give me
a correct faith, certain hope and perfect charity;
sense and knowledge Lord, that I may carry out your Holy and True command.
(St Francis Prayer for Enlightenment)