Br Sean Cahill OFM Cap

We regret to announce the death of our brother, Sean Cahill, of the Custody of South Africa. Br Sean died after celebrating the 10 a.m. Mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in the parish of Parow of the Archdiocese of Cape Town, where he was the Assistant Priest, on Sunday 15th September 2024. May the Lord he served so well in this life welcome him into his eternal Home and enable him to enjoy the fulness of life forever. Amen.
Sean was born in Fairview, Dublin, on July 7th1938. His parents, Christopher and Margarita (Carroll) Cahill, had him baptised in the Church of the Visitation, in the parish of Fairview, Archdiocese of Dublin. He attended the National School in Fairview after which he progressed through St Joseph’s Primary and Secondary CBS Schools in Fairview. On October 25th, 1957 he entered the Capuchin Postulancy in Rochestown, County Cork, where he was received into the Novitiate on November 5th in the same year. He was temporally professed in Kilkenny Friary on November 6th, the following year, and was perpetually professed in Ards Friary, County Donegal, on November 6th 1961. Sean was ordained priest at Ards Friary by + Neil Farren, Bishop of Derry, on May 27th 1965.
He was awarded a BA in UCC and studied in Rome between 1965 and 1969 during which he was awarded an STL at the Gregorian University and a Doctorate in Moral Theology at the Alphonsianum, an institute of the Pontifical Lateran University.
On his return to Ireland, he became the Assistant Master of Novices in Kilkenny for a year after which he was appointed Director of Theology Students and Lecturer in Moral Theology in Ards Friary, Donegal, until the students were transferred to All Hallows College, Dublin, in 1972, where he continued his lecturing. Shortly afterwards, he volunteered for the Vice Province of South Africa and arrived in Cape Town on October 5th 1973, where he has lived and worked in various locations over the last fifty-one years. During that time, he was Parish Priest in several parishes, lectured in a seminary, gave missions and retreats, worked in Formation and was a member of the South African Capuchin Council. He served as Vice Provincial on two occasions. Ar dhéis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.
But they that are learned shall shine as the brightness of the firmament: and they that instruct many to justice, as stars for all eternity.
The Book of Daniel 12:3.