Capuchin Heritage Celebration tomorrow in Church St. Friary Dublin! All welcome!
Don’t forget! Our celebration of 400 years of Capuchin life and service to the Irish People takes place tomorrow Sat 27th of Feb in our friary in Church St. All are welcome to attend all or even just part of the day. Full details and times of the talks are below.

Programme Flier for Commemorative Conference – 27 Feb. 2015
Meet the brothers and hear our speakers on the amazing journey of the friars in their work as Brothers of the People over the past five centuries!
In times of persecution, poverty, famine, war and revolution and in times of spiritual revival and economic recession we have been there for the people of Ireland journeying with them in Gospel brotherhood, prayer and peace.
Full details of the day below! All are welcome and admission is free.
10:30: Arrival at St. Mary of the Angels, Church Street, Dublin 7. Teas & coffees will be available.
11:00: Conference welcome by Fr. Adrian Curran OFM Cap., Provincial Minister of the Irish Capuchins.
Dr John McCafferty (UCD): Fr. Nicholas Archbold and the early Irish Capuchins in Dublin.
Fr. Mícheál Mac Craith OFM (Collegio San Isidoro): Friar Nugent and the Franciscans: a not so friendly rivalry.
Dr Conor Mulvagh (UCD): Fr. Columbus Murphy and his personal narrative on the 1916 Rising.
Lunch. There are numerous restaurants/cafes around the Church Street and Smithfield areas.
Dr John Borgonovo (UCC): The Exile, Death, and Repatriation of Fr. Dominic O’Connor, 1922-1958.
Sonya Perkins (TCD): Where and what is Ireland? Fr. Senan Moynihan and the Capuchin Annual.
Break. Teas & coffees will be available.
Ruth Sheehy (TCD): The Illustrations of Richard King for the Capuchin Annual, 1940-72.
Fr. Kieran Shorten OFM Cap. (Church Street Friary): A history of Irish Capuchin missionary work in Africa.
Closing Remarks and Reflection by Fr. Richard Hendrick OFM Cap.