European Meeting of Capuchin Friars, Częstochowa, Poland

This week the Capuchin Friars from around Europe have gathered in Częstochowa, Poland for a meeting to discuss the future direction of the Capuchin Order in Europe. The theme of the meeting is ‘Il Sogno Della Fraternita‘ (The dream of farthenity) taken from Pope Francis’s document Fratelli Tutii. Northern European Capuchin Provinces have been faced with and increase in age and a decrease in vocations in recent years. This has put increasing pressure on Provinces that are already straining to sustain various ministries. A new direction needs to be found that creates a culture of greater and deeper collaboration between Provinces in Europe. This is the dream of fraternity in the Europe of today.
Brother Sean Kelly OFM Cap (Provincial Minister of the Irish Capuchin Province) is attending the meeting and we wish him, and all the Frairs, well as they gather for these days of reflection. Brother Sean presented to the meeting a report on the work of the Capuchin Day Centre in Bow Street Dublin. More details on proceedings can be found here: